jeudi 15 septembre 2022

What are the Advantages of KuCoin NFT ETF?

 NFT are digital tokens that represent assets or privileges in a digital ecosystem.

This is a new type of token, and their abbreviation stands for "non-fungible tokens".

NFTs have a laid back nature which makes them popular. Many people believe that NFT will be the currency of the future for investing and trading cryptocurrencies.

NFT are difficult to trade on most platforms. This has caused many traders to seek out third-party platforms to access NFT trades.

NFT ETFs are the best option to back NFT.

An NFT ETF is an investment fund that tracks the performance of a specific NFT.

The first benefit of backing NFT ETF is that they are an extremely convenient way to invest.

NFT ETF allow for easy and instant investing through automation, as traditional investments like stocks and bonds require more work and time.

To buy an NFT ETF, all you need to do is deposit USDT into your account.

They offer additional benefits apart from that, because they provide a way to diversify the crypto-assets in one's portfolio.

It is difficult to invest in multiple NFT tokens at once, as most exchanges only allow the purchase of a small number of tokens.

By allowing users to invest in multiple NFTs at once, referred to as "NFT ETF", Kucoin allows users to easily diversify their portfolio of non-fungible tokens without the need for multiple NFT tokens.

By investing in different classes of tokens, users reduce the risk of losing a token.

It also makes it easier to spread their investments. Market volatility can cause all investments to lose value unless they are diversified.

Kucoin allows users to invest in multiple tokens at once.

This reduces risk while providing additional investment options.

NFT ETF allow traders to quickly and seamlessly start trading the best NFT tokens.

It is difficult to decide which NFT tokens to buy without knowing which ones are worth buying.

New traders find NFT ETF easier to use because they track the performance of a specific token.

This allows them to start more easily.

NFT ETF are supported by some exchanges but not others.

Investing only in tokens offered on certain platforms makes it difficult for users to find good NFT deals.

The addition of NFT ETF to Kucoin allows users to easily trade large, non-fungible tokens.

Plus, it gives them additional investment options.

Exchanging NFT tokens through ETFs is important because it provides secure protection for the tokens.

Kucoin has its own cryptocurrency called Kucoin Shares (KCS), which users say is a successful blockchain project.

Low transaction fees and easy to use interface are the advantages of the project.

Viewing new non-fungible tokens, such as NFT ETF, on Kucoin is easy as it is already well known and popular.

Kucoin already offers good security to users with a multi-signature authentication system. However, this system can be easily integrated into the new NFT ETF token trading area.

By doing so, users will not have to deal with multiple security systems when exchanging these tokens.

The Fracton protocol is an NFT liquidity framework in partnership with KuCoin. It allows third parties to easily use its NFT ETF.

Also, it provides permissionless liquidity, oracles and split NFT holdings according to ERC721, ERC1155 and ERC20 standards.

The "Fracton" protocol is based on the "ERC1155" middle layer standard.

It creates statusless smart contracts that improve protocol efficiency, reduce gas costs, maximize asset security, and store data securely.

The newly created NFT exchange funds, or NTF ETF, are hosted on the "Kucoin" platform.

Having more NTF ETF available makes token trading easier;

this increases token liquidity and increases its overall value. Making the tokens more liquid is important to consider when developing additional NTF ETF in the future.

Adding an NFT ETF, or non-fungible token fund, with five different collectibles increases token liquidity.

Called 'hiBAYC', 'hiPUNKS', 'hiSAND33', 'hiENS4' and 'hiENS3', this has helped boost the value of these tokens.

NFTs like ETH and BTC have high transaction fees.

Their purchase can be very expensive. For this reason, NFT are better suited for trading via NFT ETF.

These funds allow investors to purchase NFT at a reduced cost with minimal fees.

Also, NFT ETF make it easier to trade NFT because they are more easily traded than coins like BTC or ETH.

Additionally, some NFT have been sold for over a million dollars, making them too expensive for most people to invest in. KuCoin Exchange is the ideal platform for NFT ETF for the reasons listed above.

To register on "Kucoin", please visit the link below:

*Sources of additional information:



mardi 23 août 2022

USDT Standard Contract Trading

 I-               What is a USDT standard perpetual contract ?

USDT perpetual contracts are digital tokenized securities that look like cash but with a fixed price.

Perpetual contracts are different from standard, non-perpetual cryptocurrency contracts in that they follow a specific formula and last for a specified period.

Perpetual contracts can only be bought and sold at a particular price, allowing traders to lock in profits or limit losses.

Additionally, perpetual contracts are popular with traders who want to minimize risk and maximize profit.

These types of contracts are also called fixed price perpetuals or standard USDT.

A typical USDT perpetual contract has an expiration date and is bought and sold daily at a fixed price.

For example, a trader could buy 10 BTC perpetual contracts for $10,000 per contract with an expiration date in six months.

After the expiration date, the trader would lose all the value he put into the contract unless he sold his holdings before that date.

Since the holding period is based on the price at which they bought their contract, selling near the end of the term would generate maximum gains while limiting losses.

In contrast, USDT perpetual contracts are popular with traders who want to minimize risk and maximize profit.

Since there is no market volatility when trading USDT perpetuals, profits can be substantial, especially when selling towards the end of their duration versus buying towards the beginning of their duration. duration.

Some traders use their regular bank account to buy USDT perpetuals by paying additional fees for faster transfers or opening multiple accounts for different cryptocurrencies.

Then they transfer their funds to the USDT perpetual contracts account where they hold all of their purchased contracts in a single wallet address, so they can easily sell or buy as needed.

This method limits risk since all funds are immediately transferred to the contract wallet upon purchase and cannot be lost in the event of transfer delays or payment errors from banks or payment processors.

Unlike spot cryptocurrency transactions where the value is always converted into local currency at the present moment, USDT perpetual contracts allow traders to turn dollars into tokens whenever they want.

This feature makes USDT perpetuals similar to spot cryptocurrency transactions in that both allow users to convert local currency to crypto whenever they have funds available without incurring transaction fees or commissions.

However, while dollar-convertible cryptocurrencies trade like conventional securities on a few cryptocurrency exchanges like Coinbase, USDT perpetuals do not trade on traditional exchanges like this because the tokens cannot be easily liquidated, via fiat currency transfers or banks without incurring a large loss due to volatility between dollar and token prices.

Cryptocurrency perpetual contracts follow a fixed formula that determines the amount of money that can be exchanged over an agreed period of time, much like money that can only be changed through transaction fees with local banks up to upon its expiration at the end of the year, unless repaid by its holder through annual fees paid in coins using precious metals such as gold or silver coins as security for payments taxes of said year (the basis of our current coinage system).

Although not as well known as other types of cryptocurrency investments such as ICOs (Initial Coin Offerings), perpetuals have proven to be safe investments suitable for both novice and experienced investors who want returns maximum without risking capital unnecessarily.


II-            How to trade USDT standard perpetual contracts ?

Many users are interested in trading USDT standard perpetual contracts, which are contracts that allow you to buy or sell USDT at a fixed exchange rate.

Let's see how you can trade standard USDT perpetual contracts and how it works in practice.

USDT is a stablecoin with a fixed exchange rate;

It is always equal to one US dollar.

An exchange that supports USDT trading is where you can find and trade USDT.

To open an account on the exchange websites, you must first verify your identity by providing your name and email address via an online form or scanned documents such as a driver's license or passport.

After verifying your identity, you will be able to trade standard USDT perpetual contracts on the platform at the current market rate.

You can use your Tether account to buy other cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin or Ethereum before exchanging them for real US dollars using an exchange like « Huobi ».

Keep in mind that not all exchanges support direct dollar transfers from cryptocurrency wallets, so be sure to research which one you will be using before opening a USDT account on this exchange form.

Trading USDT standard perpetual contracts has both advantages and disadvantages over buying and selling regular cryptocurrencies, as it requires proprietary knowledge of the cryptocurrency market and actual US dollars in order to simultaneously profit from the price fluctuations of crypto and fiat currencies.

However, if you understand how it works in practice, trading these contracts can be profitable if done correctly.

A solid understanding of technical aspects such as the price trends of different cryptocurrencies against real money will help you maximize profits when trading these contracts by taking advantage of favorable periods for cryptocurrency markets and fiat currency price.


III-         How to trade and manage contract risks on « huobi »?

Contract trading is the practice of trading in the cryptocurrency market without owning the underlying asset.

The most popular cryptocurrency exchange for contract transactions is «Huobi».

Since «Huobi» is based in Singapore, they offer fully guaranteed contracts with US dollars.

Unlike other cryptocurrency exchanges, «Huobi» offers its clients a choice of trading strategies to mitigate risk.

Many traders use «Huobi» as a reference platform for trading contracts.

In this article, we will share some essential knowledge on contract risks and how to effectively manage your position size at all times.

Initially, you need to decide whether you want to trade on margin or not.

Margin trading creates more opportunities for loss due to the leverage feature and lack of control over your capital.

However, if you have a high-risk tolerance and have a keen interest in short-term trading strategies, margin trading may be beneficial for you.

To protect your capital from contract losses, you should always keep your position size below the desired profit threshold.

At the same time, limit orders should be placed at a reasonable price so that your order is not executed too low or too high relative to the market price at that time.

Contract losses are inevitable in contract trading, as there is no way to recover lost funds without selling your positions at a loss.

As mentioned earlier, limit orders should be placed at a reasonable price so that your order is not executed too low or too high relative to the market price at that time.

If the market drops significantly after placing an order that is too high, sell your position before it reaches a loss threshold. On the other hand, if an upward movement occurs after placing an order that is too low, then wait until it reaches an acceptable profit threshold before reselling it at a profit.

In addition to limiting your losses with conservative limit order pricing, you can also take advantage of stop-losses and take profits where appropriate to further limit losses while generating profits above your profit threshold.

All strategies are designed to help traders make profits without incurring excessive losses along the way!

To maximize profits while minimizing losses, follow Huobi's recommended strategies when trading these contracts!

However, it requires discipline and caution in risk management so as not to lose all your capital earned at the start of this strategy!


IV-          How to calculate the profit and loss and equity of a USDT standard trading account?

Cryptocurrencies can be traded in a secure environment and at the same time easily converted to and from traditional currency.

One of the most famous digital currencies is Bitcoin, but there are many other cryptocurrencies that can also be traded.

USDT is one of the most common cryptocurrencies, which is based on the US dollar.

Although it is pegged to the dollar, traders can earn good returns trading it.

USDT and USD are essentially the same thing. Since they both represent US dollars, traders can easily make a profit by selling their USDT and buying US dollars.

The value of USDT can never exceed the value of its base currency since it is pegged to the dollar.

However, this does not mean that trading this cryptocurrency is always profitable.

Since USDT is pegged to the dollar, its value tends to diverge from that of traditional currency when investors start selling their dollars in droves.

This happened in the second half of 2017 when many financial markets were in turmoil due to Brexit and the Trump presidency.

As a result, people started selling their traditional silver for fear of losing all their money in the event of another financial downturn.

This has created a shortage of dollars against other currencies, which has made it difficult to raise exchange rates between USDT and traditional currency.

At this point, USDT trading became unprofitable as people stopped believing that it would have a positive return like traditional money in the event of a panic in the traditional financial markets.

While it's hard to predict what will happen with traditional money right now, it looks like investors have regained some confidence after Trump's tax reforms drove stock prices higher for companies to which he is associated.

Based on this information, it makes sense that trading USDT can sometimes be profitable since this cryptocurrency and traditional money represent US dollars respectively.

Investors tend to lose confidence in cryptocurrencies when traditional money declines, as USDT is essentially digital versions of the US dollar - backed by real tangible assets, which tend to complement traditional money rather than to simply replace it.

By pegging its cryptocurrency to a real currency, the dollar, its creator was able to create a stable cryptocurrency that could complement real money instead of competing with it.

As a conclusion, if investors regain some confidence in cryptocurrencies again, trading USDT could also become more profitable again!

To register on «Huobi», please visit the link below:


Sources of additional information:






mercredi 17 août 2022

Crypto Market Crash: Should You Buy the Dip?

 Chapter I : Cryptocurrency Market Crash

The cryptocurrency market is full of volatility due to the existence of many factors.

A crash is inevitable, but it can be beneficial if you know how to take advantage of it.

When the market crashes, you can either lose all your money or make a fortune. However, it is important to know how to handle a crash in order to profit from it.

When the market crashes, cryptocurrency prices can drop dramatically, which can lead to loss of investments and loss of trust.

When this happens, it's important to keep your feet on the ground and assess the situation, so you can make the right decisions.

The best thing to do when the cryptocurrency market crashes is to stay invested in the currency that you think is most likely to recover.

A cryptocurrency market crash can also destabilize the value of cryptocurrency, lead to a drop in trading volume, which could make trading difficult.

Many new investors are entering the cryptocurrency market every day, which can lead to a crash.

This increase in new investors can lead to a crash in the cryptocurrency market, which can be detrimental to your investments.

When this happens, it's important to educate yourself, so you can confidently guide your investments through the crash.

The best way to do this is to join groups that share your interests, so you can get as much information as possible.

Finally, it is important to remember that this is a new market with a lot of volatility, so you could suffer losses on your investments.

When the cryptocurrency market crashes, altcoins may be more valuable than Bitcoin.


Chapter II : Short selling, optimal solution during the decline in cryptocurrency prices

Short selling is selling a cryptocurrency you don't own from a position you don't own.

Shorts can be beneficial for investors or traders, but they can also be risky.

Some short sellers take advantage of bear markets and use that money to invest in better cryptocurrencies.

Others lose money and have to liquidate their positions.

Overall, short selling is a useful investment tool when used correctly.

In a bear market, shorts are beneficial for traders because they give them a way to profit from market declines.

This practice is especially useful when there is a recession and the cryptocurrency market is experiencing a bear market. When the economy is doing well and cryptocurrency prices are high, it can be difficult to find good money-making opportunities.

However, during a recession and a bear market, shorts can give traders a chance to profit.

For example, a bear market can cause cryptocurrencies to become undervalued and ripe for a short sale.

When short sellers take advantage during a bear market, it demonstrates that this market cycle gives everyone an opportunity for profit.

For short sellers, shorts can be useful for hedging and portfolio diversification.

Indeed, it allows traders to gain exposure to different cryptocurrencies.

For example, an investor who expects the “DEFI” to deteriorate could sell short cryptocurrencies linked to the “DEFI” such as Terra (LUNA), Fantom (FTM), Avalanche (AVAX), Polygon (MATIC), Solana (SOL), NEAR Protocol (NEAR), Binance Coin (BNB) and Cardano (ADA).

If the “DEFI” deteriorates and the “DEFI” cryptocurrency market experiences a bearish situation, the short seller will make money.

If the “DEFI” does not worsen and the “DEFI” cryptocurrency market experiences a bullish situation, the short seller will lose money.

However, the short seller will still be able to make money since he will cover his cryptocurrency position with shorts on other cryptocurrencies.

Short selling can also be risky, as it can have a negative impact on the market.

When there is a bear market, it can instill fear in the cryptocurrency market and lead to more bear markets.

Additionally, short sellers can create a negative atmosphere for businesses and cause the bear market to be called the “Great Recession”.

Therefore, investors should only use short selling when it makes sense for their financial goals and the objectives of their business.

Despite their differences, cryptocurrencies behave exactly like the rest of the stock market.

However, the faithful say that is no reason to jump ship.

Instead, they believe cryptocurrencies are the future of money and are immune to economic manipulation.

They believe that cryptocurrencies are decentralized, beyond the control of governments and banks, resistant to economic instability, immune to economic fraud, and more.

To register on "Kucoin", please visit the link below:

*Sources of additional information:



lundi 15 août 2022

What Fiat Trading Pairs Does KuCoin Support ?

 Introduction :

Cryptocurrency trading pairs allow investors to trade different cryptocurrencies with other digital assets (ETC/BTC) or with traditional currency (ETH/EUR).

However, trading pairs can also be risky, as they often bring volatility to the market.

The trading pair of a cryptocurrency may differ from traditional currency markets.

For example, bitcoin is also traded as: Bitcoin cash, Cardano, Ethereum classic and Monero, respectively (BCH/BTC), (ADA/BTC), ETC/BTC and XMR/BTC.

A cryptocurrency's trading pair is tied to its intended use case.

This is because an inflationary cryptocurrency with no fundamental value would likely have a less stable trading pair compared to a real currency because it would quickly lose value over time.

Several cryptocurrency platforms allow users to convert between their trading pairs.

In some cases, this may require technical knowledge as one needs to access private keys and blockchain information on the different platforms' websites, as well as viewing Kucoin price pages.

Some platforms also allow users to convert their trading pairs through app-based transactions instead of requiring a browser visit first.

Trading pairs can be beneficial as they allow investors to make quick profits by speculating on the price movements of two cryptocurrencies at once.

For example, a trader could buy bitcoin and sell ether at the same time so that they can profit from an increase in the value of both cryptocurrencies at once.

Since speculating on several assets at once involves several risks, such as market volatility, it may be a beneficial practice for some investors but not for others.

In addition, most exchanges require users' accounts to be fully verified before allowing them to create these types of transactions via direct transfers between two cryptocurrencies or with traditional currencies like the US dollar or the British pound.

Considering that cryptocurrency markets are still very young and unregulated compared to traditional markets like stocks and bonds, there are still plenty of opportunities to profit by creating suitable cryptocurrency trading pairs with other digital assets or traditional currencies like the US dollar or British pound.

However, these strategies require good preparation and caution due to the frequent volatility of these markets as it is still a very new technology in global finance.

Chapter I: About Fiat Trading Pairs

Section I: Launch of trading pairs by “Kucoin” in Euro to facilitate cryptocurrency trading in the European market and the 1st exchange that supports BRL (Brazilian Real) transfers via PIX after the new policy of the Central Bank

Let's define "PIX" which is a fast and secure payment initiative that provides cheap digital transactions to Brazilian traders.

Brazilian Real (BRL) is a currency of Brazil.

The new central bank policy changed the rules regarding the conversion of “BRL” into other currencies, including the new limit of “BRL” in USD per day.

With the new “BRL” trading pairs, “BRL” holders can easily transfer their funds to other cryptos or fiat currencies via “KuCoin”.

With the new “BRL” trading pairs, “KuCoin” can also provide a wider range of services to traders.

However, some believe that the new BRL trading pairs will only apply to US traders and will not be available for European clients.

The latter who have also benefited from a free service called “SEPA transfer” allowing them to buy cryptocurrencies in euros, and free of charge!

Others believe that the new BRL trading pairs will have minimal effects on the trading volume of other cryptos.

Overall, the new BRL trading pairs will add another option for BRL holders to easily transfer their funds to other cryptos via “KuCoin” and will be a welcome addition.

This will make it easier for BRL holders to diversify their investments and get a better return on their funds.


Section II: Fiat trading pairs provide a better fiat to crypto trading experience with high liquidity and security for crypto users everywhere

Fiat trading pairs allow users to easily exchange a traditional currency for any cryptocurrency they wish to use.

This is useful because fiat trading pairs provide users with a safe and easy way to get involved in crypto.

The main disadvantage of fiat trading pairs is the trading fees they require.

However, these trading pairs provide a safe and easy way for non-crypto users to get involved in crypto.

Fiat trading pairs offer non-crypto users a way to exchange a traditional currency for a variable (e.g. Bitcoin) or stable (e.g. USDT) cryptocurrency.

This protects users' money from cryptocurrency volatility and gives them instant access to traditional currency.

Additionally, fiat trading pairs are highly regulated and protected by law.

This means that users can trade with confidence knowing that their money is safe.


Chapter II: How to Buy, Sell or Trade Fiat Trading Pairs on “KuCoin”?

Fiat trading pairs on “Kucoin” allow you to easily exchange one cryptocurrency for another.

Fiat trading on “Kucoin” is quite simple;

You can buy or sell cryptocurrency using your credit cards, wire transfer, P2P or third party.

“Kucoin” allows you to instantly buy and sell cryptocurrencies, making it easy to trade fiat pairs.

To start buying or selling cryptocurrencies on “Kucoin”, first open an account with a deposit of at least 30 euros.

Next, head to the Trading section and select the Favorites option from the top bar.

From here, you can select any cryptocurrency pair you want to buy or sell by clicking on its name and then selecting Buy or Sell from its respective menu box.

You can make even more transactions using your favorites.

Simply hover over each favorite to see how many trades have been made in that particular pair.

“Kucoin” allows you to buy cryptocurrency, secondly to use the services of the trading platform and thirdly to learn more about the trading platform and its cryptocurrencies, using the learning section.

Although “Kucoin” requires users to verify their accounts before they can use its services, the platform provides enough information on how to do this through the help sections of its websites.

Once verified, users will have access to a wide range of altcoins as well as margin trading capabilities for cryptocurrency via credit cards or other forms.

Although some traders may find it easier than others to buy and sell crypto via a cryptocurrency/Fiat pairing on “Kucoin”, this does not necessarily compromise user security since all required information is provided by the “Kucoin” website.

"Kucoin" is in an easy-to-understand language before users are allowed to access its services.


To register on “Kucoin”, please visit the link below:

Sources of additional information:



What Is an OCO Order and How Does It Work ?


The One-Cancels-the-Other (OCO) order is a trading strategy that allows traders to place two trades in quick succession.

The name comes from the fact that if one transaction is successful, the second is automatically rolled back and does not take place.

Traders can use “OCO” to make quick profits or slow losses.

Indeed, traders often use this strategy in conjunction with a trailing stop loss order.


Chapter I: About OCO Orders

The OCO (One Cancels the Other) order is a trading strategy that allows you to trade multiple cryptocurrencies in the same transaction.

This trading strategy was created to improve on the standard market order, which only trades one cryptocurrency at a time.

When you set the OCO order, you specify the cryptocurrencies you want to trade and the amount of each cryptocurrency you want to trade.

This type of order is advantageous for traders who wish to trade many cryptocurrencies.

The OCO (One Cancels the Other) order is a way to increase your profit potential in a short time.

When you set the OCO order, the trading platform will trade all the cryptocurrencies you specified during that trading session.

This allows you to trade more coins in less time than you could with a standard market order.

It also allows you to trade different cryptocurrencies in the same trading session, which is beneficial for traders who want to use a variety of cryptocurrencies in their trading portfolio.

Another reason to use the OCO order is that it works best with trading pairs with close trading volumes.

When setting the OCO order, it works best when the trading pairs have similar order books.

This makes it easier for traders to predict prices and trade with the OCO order.

It also helps traders to use the OCO order when the trading pairs have similar trading volume.

The OCO order is less effective when used in combination with stop orders.

When used in combination with stop orders, the OCO order does not perform as well as other trading strategies.

When used with trailing stop orders, the trading platform will only trade coins that are within a certain distance from the stop price.

However, it can still be beneficial as long as traders use it in combination with other trading strategies.


Chapter II: About “KuCoin” Conversion Function

The “KuCoin” convert feature is a cryptocurrency trading feature that allows traders to convert one cryptocurrency to another.

Traders can use this feature to easily and quickly exchange their favorite cryptocurrency for another that interests them.

KuCoin's conversion feature has a tight slippage and no trading fees, making it one of the best conversion features in the market.

However, the functionality can be improved by adding more trading pairs and reducing slippage.

The KuCoin conversion function is one of the tightest slip conversion functions in the cryptocurrency trading market.

This is because it has a guaranteed price for each trading pair, which makes it easy to compare prices.

It also has strict slippage controls, which prevent the trader from losing money due to small price differences.

These factors make the “KuCoin” conversion feature one of the best cryptocurrency conversion features.

This is thanks to guaranteed prices, no trading fees and fast execution.

This is one of the main reasons why so many traders use this feature.

Traders can use the zero trading fees to easily convert their holdings into cryptocurrency without incurring losses.

This is especially useful for traders who use the feature to quickly convert between trading pairs.

It also makes using the feature attractive even for traders who do not trade pairs.

Another feature offered by “KuCoin” is fast execution.

The “KuCoin” conversion feature facilitates fast conversion of cryptocurrency holdings, which is a big advantage for traders.

It also makes it easier to use the exchange, as traders don't have to wait long for the conversion to complete.

This allows traders to easily execute trades quickly, which is a big plus for the exchange.

“KuCoin” converter feature is one of the best cryptocurrency converter feature in the market.

KuCoin's conversion feature makes trading much easier and more attractive, which is why it is one of the best cryptocurrencies to invest in.

To register on “Kucoin”, please visit the link below:

Sources of additional information:



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